C# Left, Right and Mid functions
I started as a VB programmer and I must saythat i miss using Left, Right and Mid methods since it is not includedin C#. But then again, there is always a suitable replacement. TheSubstring method.The Substring method retrieves a substringfrom a specified string. In this demo i have decided to show how to usethe substring method to create the Left, Right and Mid functions.
namespace LeftRightMid
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// </summary>
class LeftRightMid
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
//assign a value to our string
string myString = "This is a string";
//get 4 characters starting from the left
//get 6 characters starting from the right
//get 4 characters starting at index 5 of the string
//get the characters from index 5 up to the end of the string
//display the result to the screen
public static string Left(string param, int length)
//we start at 0 since we want to get the characters starting from the
//left and with the specified lenght and assign it to a variable
string result = param.Substring(0, length);
//return the result of the operation
return result;
public static string Right(string param, int length)
//start at the index based on the lenght of the sting minus
//the specified lenght and assign it a variable
string result = param.Substring(param.Length – length, length);
//return the result of the operation
return result;
public static string Mid(string param,int startIndex, int length)
//start at the specified index in the string ang get N number of
//characters depending on the lenght and assign it to a variable
string result = param.Substring(startIndex, length);
//return the result of the operation
return result;
public static string Mid(string param,int startIndex)
//start at the specified index and return all characters after it
//and assign it to a variable
string result = param.Substring(startIndex);
//return the result of the operation
return result;